
WPT Prime

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The evolution of the World Poker Tour® continues with the launch of WPT® Prime, which pairs the premier poker tournament experience of a WPT Main Tour stop with affordable buy-ins accessible to more players around the globe.

Just like Main Tour players, WPT Prime players can expect action clocks, winner trophies, and in-depth event coverage from the WPT digital content team. WPT Prime Main Events will also contribute towards the WPT Player of the Year leaderboard, which will award $30,000 in prizes at the end of Season XX.

Upcoming Tour Stops

Thursday 14th - Monday 18th August, 2025

WPT Prime Taiwan Championship

Asia Poker Arena, 10491, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongshan District, Section 1, Jianguo N Rd, 80?b1

Buy-In TWD35,000

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