Monday 26th October, 2015

Ask the TD - Your chance to question a tournament ruling

By Mark Valentine

An occasional series where we ask our panel of TDs a question someone has sent in regarding a tournament ruling submitted by one of you. Our panel is made up of Tournament Directors from across the world who will give you their own ruling.

If you have been involved in a tricky spot in a local casino game or a large tournament and you were not sure if the correct ruling was applied, then we will ask our TDs what they think of the ruling and what they might have done differently.

We have spoken to the TD's and they are ready to go, so send in your questions and we will forward them on publish the best and most challenging.

You do not need to name names, or mention the event, just send us the facts and we will see what the real experts say!

Contact us at  @MainEventTravel or Facebook

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